Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Understanding of Interpersonal Communication Assignment

Understanding of Interpersonal Communication - Assignment Example When a communicator fully achieves his or her communicative goal through the proper channels and techniques of communication, he or she is said to have achieved communication competence (Verdeber and Verdeber, 2008). Understanding why and how people say what they do deal with the accuracy of social perception. Start by asking yourself why a person does what he or she does. Overall, it can be obtained by analyzing the way in which others behave (Verdeber and Verdeber, 2008). It is well known that language shapes perception. The way a person speaks influences how others perceive that person. Language affects the very thought process, which includes perception (Verdeber and Verdeber, 2008). Language use differs across various cultures both through linguistic and non-linguistic clues. Differing situations influence the way a language is learned. It also affects the way that language is interpreted. Differing mechanisms or categories during this process also play a role. The way in which a person was raised in his or her culture affects the way that a person uses and interprets language (Verdeber and Verdeber, 2008). We communicate through proxemics and physical appearance through the use of body language. The distance between a speaker and a receiver can influence the way a message is interpreted.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Melting Performance Enhancement of Triplex Tube Latent

Melting Performance Enhancement of Triplex Tube Latent Melting Performance Enhancement of Triplex Tube Latent Thermal Storage Using Fins-NanoPCM Technique Ammar M. Abdulateef1*, Sohif Mat1, Jasim Abdulateef2 1 Solar Energy Research Institute, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Diyala, 32001 Diyala, Iraq ABSTRACT Latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) systems using phase change material (PCM) could have lower heat transfer rates during charging/discharging processes due to its low inherence of the thermal conductivity. In this study, heat transfer enhancement using internal longitudinal fins employing PCM first and nanoPCM secondly in a large triplex tube heat exchanger (TTHX) was investigated by Fluent 15 software numerically. The results showed the thermal conductivity of pure PCM (0.2 W/m.K) could be enhanced to 25% by dispersing 10% alumina (AEO3) as a nanoparticle. However, the melting time is reduced to 12% as compared with the PCM only therefore, a longitudinal fins-nanoPCM technique achieved a complete PCM melting shortly (218 minutes). Consequently, the simulation results have been validated and illustrated a good agreement with the PCM and nanoPCM experimentally. Keywords: phase change material, triplex tube heat exchanger, melting time, longitudinal fins, nanoparticle Introduction The major emphasis associated with most of the solar devices application is the continuous power generation during cloud transients and non ­daylight hours. Thermal energy storage (TES) systems especially the latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) systems offer possibility to store higher amounts of thermal energy in comparison with sensible heat thermal energy storage (SHTES) systems. However, most the phase change materials (PCM) that used as storage media in the LHTES systems suffers from the low thermal conductivity (0.2 W/m.K), it often leads to uncompleted melting/solidification process and significant temperatures difference within the PCM, which in some cases can cause a material failure and system overheating. Many researchers studied the different kinds of heat exchangers used in the LHTES systems with (PCM). Among these, concentric cylinder, shell and tube, and triplex tube heat exchanger (TTHX) [1, 2]. Most of these have been proved a high efficient for minimum ISSN: 2367-89921 volume. Agyenim et al. [3] have been presented a significant comparison for three experimental configurations, a concentric tube system with no fins and augmented with circular and longitudinal fins. The system with longitudinal fins gave the most performance with increasing thermal response during charging and reduced sub ­cooling in the melt during discharging. Further, the melting performance enhancement of a small scale TTHX used in LHTES system has received a significant interest by [4, 5] where numerical and experimental investigations have been made using longitudinal fins technique only to improve the melting time of simple PCM. It can be seen, longitudinal fins are most common extended surfaces have been considered in TES systems. In addition, when a triplex tube heat exchanger (TTHX) is used, the heat transfer area is also extended to the PCM and thermal performance is enhanced respect to cylinder or shell and tube heat exchanger. On the other hand, the u nloading latent thermal storage, the solid-liquid interface moves away from the heat transfer surface and the heat flux decreases because of increasing the thermal resistance of the growing layer of the molten/solidified medium. This effect could be reduced by a technique of dispersing high thermal conductivity nanoparticles. The PCM melting dispersed with various volumetric concentrations of alumina (AhO3) that is heated from one side of a square enclosure is investigated numerically [6]. Wang et al. [7] improved thermal properties of paraffin wax by the addition of (TiO2) as a nanoparticle successfully without any surfactant. The biggest challenge that is faced to investigate for both of PCM and nanoPCM was a large triplex tube heat exchanger (TTHX). Therefore, the contribution in the heat transfer rate between the PCM and the HTF are augmented using internal longitudinal fins first and dispersing a high conductivity material such as alumina (Al2O3) secondly to be formed with longitudinal fins as fins-nanoPCM technique to produce the biggest demand thermal energy stored that is required for application in air conditioning systems. Numerical approach Physical model The physical configurations of the TTHX model for two cases (1) pure PCM and (2) nanoPCM are elucidated in Fig. 1. It consists of inner tube, middle tube, and outer tube that have 38.1 mm, 190.5 mm, and 250 mm in radius and 3 mm thickness, respectively with eight internal longitudinal fins each one has 121 mm long and 2 mm thickness. The inner tube and middle tube are made from copper and outer tube from steel. The water is used as HTF to transfer the heat by conviction to the walls and by conduction to the PCM or nanoPCM. The heat transfer during the PCM melting process is based on the both sides heating method where the heat is supplied from both inner and outer tubes during the charging process. The minimum temperature has been required to operate the PCM-LHTES system was approximately 90  °C. The PCM melting numerical model is solved using Ansys Fluent 15 software based on the enthalpy-porosity technique and the finite volume method [8]. The model is drawn and meshed in a two dimensions( r, 9) as well as boundary layers and zone types are defined using ISSN: 2367-89922 International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics http://www.iaras.org/iaras/journals/ijtam Gambit 2.4.6 software. The grids size number of the numerical model for internal longitudinal fins was calculated to 56200 as illustrated in Fig. 2. Fig. 1. Physical configurations of the TTHX-internal longitudinal fins. Fig. 2. Distribution of the grids size number in the middle tube of TTHX-internal longitudinal fin. Governing equation For the numerical analysis of the thermal process, the following assumptions are made: (1) the melting is Newtonian and incompressible; (2) the flow in the melting process is laminar, unsteady with negligible viscous dissipations; (3) the thermo-physical properties of the HTF and PCM are independent on the temperature; (4) the heat transfer is both of conduction and of convection controlled. The effect of natural convection during the charging process is considered by invoking the Boussinesq approximation that is valid for the density variations of buoyancy force, otherwise the effect is ignored. The density variation is defined as follow: p=Pi/(J3(T-Tl) + 1) (1) Volume 2, 2017 Ammar M. Abdulateef et al. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ttp://www.iaras.org/iaras/journals/ijtam where pi is the PCM density at the melting temperature at Tt and ft is the thermal expansion coefficient. The temperature distribution and viscous incompressible flow are solved by using the Navier-Stokes and thermal energy equations, respectively. The continuity, momentum, and thermal energy equations as follows [9]. The continuity equation: dt(p) + di(pui) = 0(2) The momentum equation: dt(pUi)+ dj(pui uj) = pdjj Ui-dip + pgt + Si(3) The energy equation: dt(ph) + dt(pAH) + di(pui h) = di(kdiT) (4) where p is the density of the PCM, ut is the fluid velocity, p is the dynamic viscosity, p is the pressure, g is the gravity acceleration, k is the thermal conductivity and h is a sensible enthalpy. The sensible enthalpy equation: T h = href + f^CpAT(5) The total enthalpy H equation: H = h +AH(6) where href is the reference enthalpy at the reference temperature Tref, Cp is the specific heat, AH is the latent heat content of thePCM that changes between zero (solid) and L (liquid), y is the liquid fraction, which is generated during the phase change between the solid and liquid state when the temperature is Tt > T > Ts, which can be written as: y = AH/L y = 0 y=l (7) if T T, Y = T-Te if T* Ti-Ts From equation (3) the source term St is: (8) Si = C(l-y) where C(1- y) y3+s 2 ui Y3+ £ (9) is the porosity function U defined by Brent et al. [10]. C is a constant describes how sharply the velocity is reduced to zero when the material solidifies. This constant varies between 104 and 107 (105 is considered), and  £ is a small (0.001) to prevent division by zero. 2.3. Boundary and initial conditions At the initial time, the PCM was in a solid state and the temperature reached to 27 oC. A constant temperature of the tube wall represented the HTF temperature [11, 12] that was at approximately 90  °C.The boundary conditions as follows: Both sides heating method: at r = rt^ T = Thtf(10) at r = rm ^ T = Thtf(11) Initial temperature of the model: at t = 0 ^ T = Tini(12) In case of nanoP CM, we have considere d the same conservation equations, boundary, and initial conditions mentioned above. 2.4. Thermophysical properties Table 1 describes the thermo-physical properties of materials are used [4], the thermophysical properties of the nanoPCM are calculated [13]: The density equation: Pnpcm0Pnp + (10)Ppcm(13) The sp ec ific heat cap acity e quati on: _ C, p,npcm Pnpcm The late nt h e at equatio n : _ (l $)(.pL)pcm (14) j=(15) npcm(15) Pnpcm The dynamics viscosity of nanoPCM isgiven by [14]: Pnpcm= 0.983e(12959 ®ppcm(16) The effective thermal conductivity of thenanoPCM, which includes the effects of particlesize (dnp), particle volume fraction (0), andtemperature dependence as well as propertie s ofthe base PCM. The particle subject to Brownianmotion is also given by [14]: Knp) 0 Knp + 2Kpcm 2 jj^pcm npCmKnp+2Kpcm+2(Kpcm-Knp) 0 Pcm + 5 x 1 0 4 yk g0ppCmcp,pcmJPnpdnp f(T 0) (17) where B is the Boltzmann constant (1.381 x 10-23 J/K) and yk = 8.4407(1000)-10à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢4. f(T, 0) = (2.8217 x 10-20+ 3.917 x 10-3) -+ (-3.0669 x 10-20- 3.91123 x Tref 10-3)(18) where Tref is the reference temperature = 273 K. We have evaluated in the equation (17), the effects of nanoparticle diameter (dnp = 20 nm), nanoparticle volume fraction (0 = 10%), and the reference temperature (Tref = 237 K). ISSN: 2367-8992 3 Volume 2, 2017 Ammar M. Abdulateef et al. Table 1. Thermophysical properties of PCM, copper, and alumina (AI2O3). Properties PCM (RT82) Copper A^O3 Density, solid, ps (Kg/m3) 950 8978 3600 Density, lquid, pi (Kg/m3) 770 Specific heat, Cpi , Cps (J/kgK) 2000 381 765 Latent heat of fusion, L (J/kg) 176000 Dynamic viscosity, p (kg/m.s) 0.03499 Melting temperature, Tm (K) 350.15 ­ 358.15 2345 Thermal conductivity, K fW/m.K) 0.2 387.6 36 Thermal expansion coefficient, (1/K) 0.001 Experimental and validation A schematic diagram of the LHTES system apparatus is illustrated in Fig. 3. The middle tube of TTHX is filled with 100 kg PCM first. The present numerical model for PCM and nanoPCM has been validated experimentally with PCM as illustrate in Fig. 4. A comparison resulted was not exceeded in percentage errors of 3% and showed a good agreement with an experimental test for two cases. Moreover, the average temperature of the PCM was 27  °C when melting process started and the HTF charging temperature by both sides heating method [4] was 90  °C with an experimental mass flow rate 37.5 L/min. Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of experimental apparatus of LHTES system, which includes; 1. Evacuated tube solar collectors (ETSC), 2. Flow meter, 3. Triplex tube heat exchanger (TTHX), 4. Thermocouple J-type, 5. Sensor (water), 6. Internal longitudinal fin, 7. Pressure vessel tank, 8. Pump, 9. Data acquisition, 10. Computer, 11. Water storage tank, 12. Electrical heater, 13. Pipes, 14. Valve two ways, 15. Valve three ways. ISSN: 2367-89924 International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics http://www.iaras.org/iaras/journals/ijtam Time (min) Fig. 4. Validation of an experimental and numerical model Results and discussion Internal fins heat transfer enhancement of PCM melting The isothermal contours of the PCM in TTHX with internal fins at different times (10, 60, 120, and 247 min) are elucidated in Fig. 5. firstly, heat transfer occurred between the hot wall of the tube and solid surface of the PCM by conduction, which dominated the melting process at the early stage and caused a very thin layer of the liquid that is surrounded the longitudinal fin surface and hot wall of the tube while the rest of the PCM remained solid without any phase change because of the effects of natural convection were limited. After 10 minutes, small convection cells are formed between the fins wall and subsequently expanded to the middle tube. Over time, cells convection emerged and facilitated the formation of the large convection cells at 60 minutes that are expanded to the bottom part of tube at 120 minutes because heat transfers by fins. The full PCM melting was accomplished at 247 minutes. Nanoparticle dispersed enhancement The thermo-physical properties of the nanoPCM with various volumetric concentrations of the alumina (AfO3) are calculated using equations (13-17). It is found that, the specific heat and latent heat of the nanoPCM are lower than the pure PCM whereas the thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity of the nanoPCM are higher than the pure PCM, see Table 2. This variation in Volume 2, 2017 Liquid fraction International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Ammar M. Abdulateef et al.http://www.iaras.org/iaras/journals/ijtam the thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity agree well with the results that reported in [6]. Moreover, augmenting the alumina nanoparticle (AhO3) volume concentrations caused to reduce the PCM melting time, see Fig. 6. Consequently, the PCM with 10% alumina (AhO3) is considered sssssssssssssssasssss 10 min60 min 120 min247 min Fig. 5. Isothermal contours of the PCM in TTHX- longitudinal fins. Table 2. Variation of the thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity of nanoPCM. Volumetric concentration Thermal conductivity k (W/m.K) Dynamic viscosity g (kg/m.s) Simple PCM 0.2 0.03499 Nano-PCM (1% M2O3 ) 0.206 0.0121161 Nano-PCM (4% M2O3) 0.225 0.0485 Nano-PCM (7% M2O3) 0.245 0.084812 Nano-PCM (10% M2O3 ) 0.265 0.121161 1.2 0100200300 Time (min) Fig. 6. Effect of the nanoparticle concentrations. 4.2.1. Nanoparticle-internal fins technique The isothermal contours of the fins-nanoPCM technique in TTHX at different times (10, 60, 120, and 218 min) are shown in Fig. 7. A significant reduction in time was observed by dispersing 10% nanoparticle to the PCM when the absorbed energy was stored to the required load under the effects of both sides heating method, which is augmented the conduction heat transfer rate. Therefore, the full melting of the PCM is completed at 218 minutes. Consequently, the nanoparticle plays a significant role in the melting rate enhancement where the thermal conductivity of simple PCM (0.2 W/m.K) could be enhanced to 25% significantly that is caused to increase the conduction heat transfer. 10 min60 min 120 min218 min Fig. 7. Isothermal contours of the fins-nanoPCM technique. Comparison of PCM melting time for two cases Figure 8 illustrates liquid fraction vs. melting time for the PCM and nanoPCM in TTHX- internal longitudinal fins. As shown, the PCM melting time is reduced using nanoPCM to 12% as compared to the PCM only. The PCM melting retardation was reduced because of augmenting the thermal conductivity of PCM effectively. ISSN: 2367-8992 5 Volume 2, 2017 Liquid fraction Ammar M. Abdulateef et al. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics http://www.iaras.org/iaras/journals/ijtam Consequently, the model of fins-nanoPCM is considered the most efficient technique to achieve the PCM melting shortly (218 min). Fig. 8. Liquid fraction vs. melting time for the PCM and nanoPCM in TTHX-intemal longitudinal fins. CONCLUSION Heat transfer enhancement for a large triplex tube heat exchanger (TTHX) has been represented the biggest challenge in LHTES system. The results showed the thermal conductivity of simple PCM (0.2 W/m.K) could be enhanced to 25% by dispersing 10% alumina and the melting time is reduced to 12% as compared with the PCM only. Consequently, the model of fins-nanoPCM has been considered the most efficient technique based on both sides heating method to achieve the PCM melting shortly (218 min). However, the numerical results have validated and showed a good agreement with the PCM and nanoPCM experimentally. Nomenclature BBoltzmann constant (J/K) Cmushy zone constant (kg/m3s) Cpspecific heat (J/kg.K) gi gravity acceleration in the i-direction (m/s2) Henthalpy (J/kg) HTFheat transfer fluid Llatent heat fusion (J/kg) kthermal conductivity (W/m.K) ppressure (Pa) Tmmelting temperature (oC or K) uvelocity component (m/s) Simomentum source term in the i-direction (Pa/m) pfluid density (kg/m3) yliquid fraction Pthermal expansion coefficient (1 /K) Zcorrection factor Acknowledgements The authors gratefully appreciate a financial support that provided by Solar Energy Research Institute(SERI),University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia. References H. Niyas, P. Muthukumar, Performance analysis of latent heat storage systems, International Journal of Scientific Engineering Research 4 (2013) 2229-5518. Y.L. Jian, Numerical and experimental investigation for heat transfer in triplex concentric tube with phase change material for thermal energy storage, Solar Energy 32 85-977. F. Agyenim, P. 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Friday, October 25, 2019

Can Biodiversity loss be the downfall of an ecosystem and human well be

People often say "Why should I care if a species goes extinct? It’s not essential to my daily life†. But what use are humans, really? We waste a lot of resources and have managed to damage the ecosystem without a second thought. Eliminating species to extinction, destroying plants and trees a critical part of human well-being and organisms in an ecosystem leading to tremendous consequences. Organisms depend on each other for survival and the loss of one species can greatly alter the balance of an ecosystem as a whole, as seen in the Yellowstone National Park ecosystem. Gray wolves were poached to extinction from Yellowstone during the early twentieth century, then were reintroduced to restore a complete food web. Researchers, Marshall, Hobbs and Cooper the authors of â€Å"Stream hydrology limits recovery of riparian ecosystems after wolf reintroduction† suggested â€Å"excessive browsing of willows by elk after wolves were gone was implicated in the disappearance of beavers from streams". Furthermore, when the gray wolves disappeared the willows were terminated by elk glazing and with no willows to slow stream flow, creeks flowed faster and beavers prefer slow-moving water, so they disappeared as well. In addition, when the wolves were reintroduced they hunted elk and brought down numbers of these. But, removing elk glazing wasn't enough for the willows, needing slow streams created by beavers allowing more willows to grow. Alan Tessier, program director in the National Science Foundation's Division of Environmental Biology whom funded the concludes "the research illustrates the value of long-term ecological experiments to understanding how species interactions cascade through food webs to determine ecosystem resilience†. Theref... ...vores, meaning no food for carnivores, meaning much quicker extinction of all life. In conclusion, losing even a small strand in the web of life contributes to the unraveling of our planet's sustainability, and that makes a difference to each one of us. Works Cited Marshall Kristen N, Hobbs N. Thompson and Copper David J. â€Å"Stream hydrology limits recovery of riparian ecosystems after wolf reintroduction†. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Vol. 280. (2013). "Traditional Medicine." (2003) World Heath Organization. Web. 11 Mar 2014. "Facts and figures on biodiversity." (2012) The International Union for Conservation of Nature. Web. 11 Mar 2014. Chivian, Eric and Bernstein, Aaron. â€Å"Sustaining Life: How Our Health Depends On Biodiversity†. 2008. Print. "How much do oceans add to world’s oxygen?." (2013) Earth sky. Web. 11 Mar 2014.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Language Policy Essay

LANGUAGE LEGISLATION: VOTER DRIVEN INITIATIVES Kelly M. Jefferson Grand Canyon University: SPE 523 July 23, 2012 The issue of language policy and the education of English language learners (ELLs) in this country has been hotly debated and widely contested. Students who enter our school systems without an understanding of the English language must attain not only conversational proficiency, but also academic literacy in English. Academic literacy is the foundation of school success and necessary for students to master content standards (Echevarria, Short, & Vogt, 2008).All parties agree that ELLs are federally entitled to a quality education once they join this country’s educational system. The debate stems from how to effectively teach students English and core content, simultaneously, in ways that ensure their success within the curriculum. Politicians and educators must also grapple with the dilemma of how to effectively educate non-native students, so as to facilitate their adequate proficiency on a myriad of statewide tests required of all pupils enrolled in public schools.ELLs are concentrated in the urban areas of states like California, Texas, Florida, Illinois, and New York, which have seen the largest influx of English learners within their schools (Boyle, Cadiero-Kaplan, & Peregoy, 2008). Students with limited English proficiency (LEP) made up almost ten percent of the K-12 public school student population in the 2004-2005 school year (Echevarria et al. , 2008). Spanish is the most prevalent primary language (L1) and is spoken by eighty percent of ELLs (Boyle et al. , 2008).In the absence of clear direction at the federal level on how to best prepare ELLs academically, many states have taken the matter into their own hands through various voter initiatives. Arizona, California, and Massachusetts are states that have attempted to solve these questions through ballot initiatives. The voters of each state overwhelmingly adopted a Structured Englis h Immersion (SEI) approach in which ELLs receive all content in English via a sheltering technique that allows learners to understand their instruction.The goal of SEI is language, literacy, and content learning exclusively in English. Each state elected to limit the amount of time ELLs are provided with language assistance to roughly one year, despite research findings that show students need at least five to seven years of language assistance to acquire the English proficiency required for successful academic participation (Boyle et al. , 2008). Arizona’s Proposition 203 was passed in November of 2000 and effectively repealed bilingual education laws in effect at that time.Proposition 203 required all students to be taught in English with the exception of those classified as† English Learners†. Designated pupils are instructed through sheltered English immersion programs (SEI) primarily in English, although a minimal amount of a child’s native language ma y be incorporated, when necessary (â€Å"www. ballotpedia. org†, 2012). Students who demonstrate a solid working knowledge of English are transferred out of the SEI program into a regular English classroom. Parents of identified ELL children have the ability to obtain a waiver that excuses their child from participation in the SEI program.Excused students are often taught English and other content via traditional bilingual education instruction or another recognized instruction method (www. ballotpedia. org, 2012). Parents are also entitled to recoup any actual and compensatory damages they incur as the result of school officials failing to comply with Proposition 203. The Massachusetts English in Public Schools Initiative, known as Question 2, is very similar to the Arizona law, in that Question 2 places a heavy reliance on SEI programs and lessens the availability and access to bilingual education programs.Passed in 2002, the law mandates that all public school children mus t be taught English. All content is delivered in English language classrooms (â€Å"www. ballotpedia. org†, 2012). Children whose native language is not English are educated using the SEI method with minimal access to their native language at their teacher’s discretion. Question 2 allows for children from diverse native language groups to be placed in the same classroom provided their English skills are of similar levels. The law does not affect students with physical and mental impairments in special education programs (â€Å"www. ballotpedia. org†, 2012).Question 2 differs from Arizona’s Proposition 203, in that if twenty or more students in any one grade level at a school obtain waivers that school must offer bilingual education classes in both the child’s native language and English or another type of generally recognized educational program. Question 2 contains some of the same provisions as Proposition 203, such as a parent’s right to sue school officials who obstruct its implementation. English learners in the state undergo annual standardized tests of their English skills and students in grades two and above take annual written standardized tests in English (â€Å"www. allotpedia. org†, 2012). California voters passed Proposition 227 by a huge majority in 1998. The law answered the question of how to educate English language learners in that state by putting in place a statewide SEI program and drastically eliminating access to bilingual education programs (Purcell, 2002). In sync with similar initiatives in Arizona and Massachusetts, Proposition 227 calls for the education of all children in English by being taught in English. The law allows LEP students one year of language assistance before they are mainstreamed into total English speaking classrooms.Each piece of legislation fails to consider the body of research that finds that nonnative speakers need anywhere from five to seven years of language in struction in order to attain a level of proficiency within a second language. The laws also neglect studies that prove that time spent learning in a student’s native tongue does not negate English language development, but enhances it due the transference of literacy skills from one language to another (Purcell, 2002). Also, within the pressurized and time constrained settings of many SEI programs, students are not granted the involuntary and often incidental tmosphere that language development often occurs in. Without necessary native language instruction amid an English language deficit, many LEP students have failed to attain the level of academic achievement and English language proficiency entitled to them. References Arizona english language education for children in public schools, proposition 203 (2000). (2012, February 28). Retrieved from http://ballotpedia. org/wiki/index. php/Arizona_English_Language. Boyle, O. F. , Cadiero-Kaplan, K. , & Peregoy, S. F. (2008). Rea ding, writing, and learning in ESL: A resource book for K-12 teachers.Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Echevarria, J. , Short, D. J. , & Vogt, M. (2008). Making content comprehensible for English learners: The SIOP Model. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Massachusetts english in public schools initiative, question 2 (2002). (2012, February 27). Retrieved from http://www. ballotpedia. org/wiki/index. php/Massachusetts_Question 2. Purcell, J. (2002). The foundations and current impact of california’s proposition 227. Retrieved February 28, 2012 from U. S Department of Education, Educational Resources Information Center: http://www. eric. ed. gov.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Language Autobiography Essay

Being a girl of a mixed ethnic background, you can imagine the diversity of language used across my family. The dialects and accents have a wide variety as my family are spread all across the globe. My mother carol is British born and bred in the Essex country side. Whereas my father ahmed is, half Lebanese and half Palestinian. My mum’s first language is English and she speaks in standard English, this could be because of her profession as a nurse has an influence on her speech and it wouldn’t be professional of her to constantly use colloquial language. My father’s first language is Arabic, the Palestinian dialect Arabic. There are so many dialects of Arabic sometimes it seems like it’s a completely different language! He can also speak French as fluent as he can Arabic because French is also a main language in Lebanon. he is also fluent in English, but he has an Arab accent. My father lives in Lebanon so his dialect of Arabic has changed to the Lebanese dialect because of his surroundings but he still has a twang of the Palestinian dialect. The main languages in my family are English and Arabic, but there are so many dialects, such as Egyptian, Jordanian, Emirati, Lebanese, Moroccan, Saudi Arabian, Syrian Arabic and Essex accents, Dorset accent, Scottish accent, American accent, Australian accent. This is just the start of the variety of language in my family! So you’re probably thinking, what is my first language? Well, I was born in the United Arab Emirates in the Emirate of Dubai. Yes, I think it too†¦ why did I immigrate to sunny England? Growing up in Dubai my first language was English because my mother’s Arabic was very basic; however I was fluent in Arabic and could also speak some Tagalog as I was brought up with a Pilipino nanny, Lily. I immigrated to England when I was about 4 or 5 years old, I was constantly speaking English. I remember some of my mum’s friends telling me I had a slight American accent. But my accent quickly changed because of influences around me in school. My surname is Said, but it’s pronounced â€Å"Syed† and I remember reading the Biff and Chip books in my first school and saying â€Å"and Chip Syed this†. My teacher found it highly amusing! Ever since I moved to England, over the years I slowly forgot how to speak Arabic as I got out of the habit of speaking in Arabic often. Now I only know greetings and little phrases in Arabic. Trying to learn Arabic again was extremely difficult because I’m so used to the rules in the English language such as the â€Å"Ough† sound. Being so used to certain rules really affects trying to learn a new language, especially Arabic. Learning Arabic was very different to English and the Arabic alphabet has more letters than the English alphabet, which include sounds as well as letters. Also not every word in Arabic can be translated perfectly into English, and there is no word in the English language for it. Sometimes it’s hard to get a near enough definition of the word without meaning something else. Also in Arabic they can have one word which in the English language translates to a group of words or a sentence. From my experiencing of learning Arabic again I have noticed that the language is very cultural and influence by religion, for example a lot of words or phrases refer to god (Allah). However not just Muslims and religious people use these words, these words are used by all Arabic speakers. In the Spanish language I realized a difference in tenses. In English there are only three tenses, present, past and the future. Whereas in the Spanish language there are many more. This makes its complicated and more difficult to learn as realistically there is only 3 tenses, and it’s hard to picture other tenses. I would describe my accent as a southern English accent. My cousins who live in Essex say that I have a â€Å"brightonian† accent, is there such thing? According to my cousins, people from Brighton raise their tone at the end of every sentence like they are constantly asking questions. I can’t notice myself doing it or other people doing it around me. The way I talk changes depending on the context. For example, when I’m with my friends I use a large amount of colloquial language. Whereas when I’m with my mum or teachers I would not use this language, I would talk in a more Standard English way. Having a lot of friends from an ethnic community, I’ve learnt a lot of slang and colloquial words. Even though these friends are from an Arabic background, I would never talk to my family in the Middle East in this way. I think I change the way I speak to different people, depending on who it is to make a good impression and to make my language appropriate to the situation. The different use of language always comes back to the context its used in.